Thursday, December 23, 2010

Thrills Thursday: Brand Winter Lucky Pack Bonanza!

This week was lucky pack and sale pack week from different brands, including Metamorphose, Baby, the Stars Shine Bright, Angelic Pretty, and Innocent World. Each had a different take on the packs’ contents. You may have missed the actual sale of the packs, but the best part of these type of packs is the eventual mass sales on the EGL comm sales LiveJournal community with items that people do not want from their packs. This varies per person, as a Sweet Lolita may not want the black pieces from her pack, or a Classic Lolita may not want a bunny-shaped scarf from her pack.

If you’re looking for a certain item from the packs, this is a great time to post a “want-to-buy” (!WTB) post about it as well as people get their items.

Here’s a small overview of the packs that went out, and certain popular items in the packs.


BtSSB released 3 different type of packs – shoes, bags, and accessories. The shoes pack contains 2 pairs of shoes in a size you select, but the style is random. The bags pack contains 2 different bags, and you can select nothing in preference for them. The third pack, the accessories pack, contains a pair of socks, a piece for your hair, and some sort of bracelet, ring, and/or necklace. The shoe or bag pack is the best deal for the price, as you are basically buying one shoe or bag and getting the other free.


They released their winter packs (now sold out), and typically they contain a dress (usually a jumper skirt), a blouse, a pair of socks, a head piece (hairbows or clips), and some sort of necklace, bracelet, etc. The only thing they let you pick is what type of color shades you will get, between light and dark. Light usually contains pastels, white, pink, etc. whereas dark usually contains black, burgundy, dark blues, greens, etc. This year, they released a pink glitter bag with their summer lucky packs. Because of the success of those packs, they included a black glitter bag with the winter lucky packs. Value-wise, the dresses are worth between $200-300 U.S. dollars, so basically you are getting a discount on the dress and everything else free.

AP is releasing information about their winter lucky pack on December 29th, according to the Angelic Pretty USA website, so next week’s Thrills Thursday will contain more details on what the lucky pack will contain and their release date. Since it’s their first lucky pack in the United States, the pack may be different from past sales.

(12/24) UPDATE: A person directly e-mailed the Angelic Pretty USA store on information when the lucky pack will be released. The release date is confirmed to be New Year's Day (1/1/11) for Angelic Pretty USA lucky packs. AP Japan already released lucky packs in their stores, spanning several different types of packs and colors you can purchase.

IW didn’t release their lucky pack this week, but people are beginning to receive their lucky packs from the sale last week (keep an eye on the EGL LiveJournal community for posts regarding IW lucky pack contents). They had two options with their lucky pack, basically a cheaper one and an expensive one (one containing more items than the other). In my opinion, their lucky packs, although more expensive, contain the best bang for your buck. Typically in the more expensive option, buyers receive two dresses (a one piece and a jumper skirt), a skirt, a blouse, a cutsew, a pair of socks, and a couple accessories. Recently their winter packs have also contained a coat, which by itself is worth $400 - $600 depending on which coat you receive (considering that’s what you pay for the lucky pack, it’s like receiving the dresses, skirts, etc. for free).

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